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Granite Realty FAQ

If the family you raised has now left, you are paying for unused space. Now might be the ideal time consider what you would like to do with the money you could free up for things like hobbies, vacations, and retirement.

As soon as you have made the decision to move you should start the process. Don’t add to the stress of selling by waiting until you are 30-60 days away from signing your contract because that time is going to fly by!

First impressions are critical to selling your home sold quickly. Take care of any obvious flaws or defects that will detract from the beauty or selling power of your home. Some items are fast and inexpensive to remedy like painting walls and trim or filling holes. Others need professional help. We will advise you on what you need to do when we take you on as a client.

Zero. The seller pays the commission for both the buyer and seller’s agents

There is no set number. It varies from buyer to buyer. It’s your future home. You need to take your time and view as many or as few homes as you need to feel you have found “the one”.

There is no simple or clear-cut answer as every real estate market is different. Please contact our team so that we can discuss your goals and advise you in the light of your own circumstances and prevailing market conditions.

First and foremost, put the records, documents and receipts relating to your purchase filed away in a safe place. This includes things like insurance documents, recorded deed or maintenance receipts. Other things to consider include changing the locks, contacting the utilities and the postal service, getting your driver’s license updated with your new address. Please ask for our after closing checklist for a more details.

You’ve just moved in and your budget is tight. One of the best ways to make your budget stretch is to reduce your energy costs. The three things we recommend you do immediately are: program your thermostat so that you are not paying to heat or cool your home while you are working. Adjust your water temperature. Every 10 degrees adjusted will translate to around 3-5% savings on your bill. Finally, caulk those cracks and leaks. Check around your home, noting any gaps, crack or holes in areas around your chimney, windows, exit doors and so on. If energy is escaping, you are saying goodbye to money you could be saving.

Contact Granite State Realty Group Today!